Monday, July 26, 2010
Some thoughts on a language neutral web
Think about this idea of viewing every web page in your local language.You choose the language in which you want to view the page and the browser translates the content of the page to the language of your choice.I know some of you might already know that it is possible with google translation toolkit.But I was not fully happy with google translation as it is not meant for a common man who knows only his local language.First of all the interface is still in English and the user has to copy paste the URL into the box and do translate to view the translated page.So this is not aimed at a common man who only knows his local language(other than English). What I was thinking about is to have a comprehensive solution which will lead to the idea of a language neutral web. Let me put my thoughts into 5 basic points.
1) Have a browser interface in local language.
Solution :Yes it is already available in some form.For example Firefox have a localization option by which you can change the interface to the language you wish.This is good and satisfies most of my requirements .But still this is just a replacement of English with corresponding local language words and the interface and technical terms is not easy to understand for a man without fundamental computer knowledge.I wish to see such an interface existing.
2)The user should be able to search in his local language.That means a search interface in local language where he can type in his local language and do search.
Solution : Yes this is possible as Google has a option to choose your local language and search in that language.Of course there are many other search engines with same capability.
3) In addition to search results in local language it should also bring the pages in other languages that matches the word user typed in his language and this test results should also be translated and shown in his language .
Solution : This is not currently available with Google search(I assume the same with any other search).
4) When the user clicks on any search results(or may be direct access of the page by typing the url) that web page should be opened and shown translated in his language if it is in a different language.That means any web page the user access should be translated and shown in his language if it is in a different language.
Solution : There are some tools and plug-ins available for Firefox which provides an auto-translate feature.Examples are FoxLingo and Worldwide lexicon. They basically uses Google translation or any other translation services. I found Worldwide lexicon plug-in most suitable as per my requirement but it is bit slow as it takes some time to translate the page stage by stage.
5) The user should be able to type in any web page in his local language and if the original web page is in not in his language the text input should be converted to that language while submitting.
Solution : I know Google transliteration can be used to type in your local language in any web page.But there is no direct way for the automatic conversion of the text in input box to the language of the web page .Of course you can copy paste the text after conversion in an indirect way.
1) Some of the contents of the web which are not in textual format cannot be translated.
Eg. Images,flash ,sound and video files.
Also documents embedded or down-loadable from the web should be converted separately for viewing in his local language.
2)Machine translation is not yet 100% correct even though there are efforts from multiple sources to improve this.Also it is available only for few languages right now and developing translation algorithms for all the languages is a challenge.For eg. Google translation services are available only for 57 languages right now.
1)The huge benefit I see is in making available huge knowledge base like Wikipedia and other sites to every one irrespective of their language. This is important as local language version of Wikipedia content is very limited compared to that in English and other major languages.This helps very much in education also.
2)The web developers need not worry about localization of their websites and is easy to reach about to a wide range of people using different languages.
3) Most importantly users are not restricted to use the service of any website because the website is in a different language. He will be able to view the site in his language and also will be able to interact in his language.
So is it achievable?
Yes. To a large extend still keeping the challenges in mind(And of course considering only textual data at the moment). Also you can see that among the 5 points only points 3 and 5 is not available as of know(As per my understanding) and that is also achievable with the existing technologies.Only thing which we are lacking is a comprehensive solution integrating all the five points which we discussed and I am sure it is going to happen.I request readers to put your thoughts and also to point out anything which I might have missed out.
Monday, July 5, 2010
DCI -A better OO paradigm?
Other References
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Join twitter and follow great people
If you are some one who is serious about tweeting and want to benefit from that what you should really concentrate is to find the right kind of people to follow. I as a programmer was more interested in programming and technology and I chose great programmers and techies as per my interests.Of course you might have the question how many good programmers are available in twitter. That is right ,it might be very less and you might even think that what is that they are going to tell in 140 characters.So you may think that following their blogs is a better option. Of course following programmer blogs is really great thing and it might be also correct that more programmers blog than tweet . But still you can find many good programmers who tweet actively and the difference between tweets and blog is that you may not blog on everything you come across. But you can tweet on everything you are involved and even though it is very short it might light a spark in your mind or make you to google about some topic. And they usually tweet about their blog post as well as well as other people's blogs which are interesting .Tweets can contains links of the topics they found interesting and there might be retweets of other people which are interesting. In that way you are in fact finding a bunch of people around a the topics you are interested with and can share your ideas as well. Don't you think this is much more than blogging and just following blogs.
Coming to people who may follow you it is very important for people to understand what you more interested in from your tweets. This will help to attract the right kind of people who you can really interact with. If you want some great programmers you are following to follow you also it is important that you tweet more about programming.If you are a person who are a frequent twitter user and tweet about almost everything I suggest have a separate account for more personal tweets. Making friends with some great programmers is really great ,but do it carefully and step by step by understanding the person and they shouldn't feel like a nuisance initially. I personally benefited a lot by joining twitter and following great programmers.So if you are someone still hesitant about joining twitter, break that notion, have a try and experience the difference.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Four trends that developers have to concieve for the next decade
Cloud is going to redefine the traditional software development platform.Here are some points.
1) Abstraction over Deployment platform
Developer is abstracted from the platform(hardware,OS,Server etc) where the application is going to be running. But he need to be aware of the Cloud provider's platform .Since everything is available as per "pay per use" policy applications needs to be optimized to use less resources as possible.
2) Abstraction over data storage and usage
Since data will be available as services ,he need not be bothered about the underlying implementation,but only needs to know the API's to retrieve the data from the service provider.Scalability will also be addressed by the provider
3) Changes in traditional software development life cycle
The development life-cycle for the cloud is going to be different from traditional one.The builds and releases should be aligned to the targeted cloud platform
4) Security and Dependency on specific cloud platforms
These are contentious issues that developer have to be aware of and the design should be optimized to minimize any impacts.Security in the cloud is different from the traditional environments and no standards have been evolved right now.The applications should be developed in such a way that it should be easy to switch to a different cloud provider if needed.
Emergence of multiple platforms
PC is no more the dominant platform for applications in the coming age.Alternate platforms like Mobile and other hand-held devices like Ipad,e-readers etc are also becoming much more popular.For eg. Iphone and Android have already become popular platform for developers.It is becoming more important that applications should be made available in multiple platforms to reach out to more users.So it is time for developers to gain understanding of multiple platforms.
No Sql Alternatives
The dominance of RDBMS is getting challenged and everyone in the industry is getting the understanding that RDBMS as a one size fit for all is not a good idea. RDBMS is designed with ACID compliance as a principle ,but not all the real systems need full ACID compliance and also have problems to address like performance ,scalability and availability.So alternate implementations gained attention in recent times and many companies are moving to a better no-sql alternative which suites their application domain.
Functional Programming
Fuctional programming(FP) is gaining more importance as better paradigm for concurrent applications. Due to the emergence of multicore processors it become the duty of applications to be more concurrent to make maximum use of multiple cores.FP also helps programmers to code in higher level of abstraction and helps to reduce duplication of algorithms and in program correctness. Mainstream languages are adopting functional programming features like closures,functions as first class objects and immutability . Languages like ruby,python,C# has already adopted many of these features and new languages like scala,F#,Clojure have come up with strong functional programming support.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Scala and Java interoperability
class ScalaClass (val creater:String){
override def toString="I am ScalaClass created by "+creater
//This java class uses ScalaClass
public class CallScala {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ScalaClass scalaClass= new ScalaClass("Java");
System.out.println("Calling scala from java");
public void pingMeFromScala(){
System.out.println("Hey scala pinged me");
//This scala class uses the java class CallScala
object CallJava {
def main (args:Array[String]){
val callScala = new CallScala
1)scalac ScalaClass.scala
3)scalac CallJava.scala
//Include scala-library.jar in classpath if you are usinf a scala class in java
4)java -cp /home/byju/scala-2.8.0.Beta1/lib/scala-library.jar:. CallScala
// You can use scala to run a java class
5)scala CallScala
6)scala CallJava
// You can use java to run a scala class by including scala-library.jar in classpath
7)java -cp /home/byju/scala-2.8.0.Beta1/lib/scala-library.jar:. CallJava
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Floating around the cloud for one day - CloudCamp ,Bangalore
Talking about the sessions,it was a meet-up along with Hadoop summit organised by yahoo.being a developer I have the opinion that large conference add less value to the developer than small meet-ups.Organised conferences have a pre-planned set of talks and in that they will try to pour in everything within few minutes of time.It might help to get a broad overview about some topic and will especially help business guys to get a advertisement also.Whereas small meet-ups are developer friendly and you have more freedom and time to spend and space for participation.
Talking in this context the lightning sessions which grabbed most of the morning time was mainly a waste of time for me.But I understand it from the organiser's perspective that they have no choice as to support the sponsors. It all started with the un-conferencing session were some panellists chosen from the audience answered questions from audience and based on interest for a particular topic un-conference sessions were chosen.This was special with active participation of attendees.The un-conferencing sessions were scheduled parallel to the hadoop sessions in the afternoon in three separate classrooms and there was lunch break.
There were 9 un-conference sessions altogether.Let me list down them .
1) Intro to cloud computing
2) Session on Windows azure
3) Data management in cloud
4) Business models on cloud
5) Security in cloud
6) Apache mahout session
7) Google app-engine session
8) SDLC for cloud
9) Databases in cloud
I wanted to understand hadoop and at the same time interested in some un-conferencing sessions also and I have to schedule my time effectively as they are going in parallel.Finally I decided to attend the Apache Mahout session only in un-conference as it felt something interesting for me.Apache mahout is a Machine Learning software built on top of hadoop and lucence .Although I missed some initial hadoop sessions because of this mahout session was worth attending and Robin done a good job by presenting it in more effective way.
When I moved to hadoop after the Mahout session the initial sessions were over and there were not much interesting afterwards as it was more about QA and performance tuning and one session from professor from PSG college on how they used hadoop in their research.I appreciate the collaboration from the industry and academia in this area and have the opinion that that is one of the are India have to improve upon.The event was sponsored by Yahoo and Microsoft and it is great to see the commitment of yahoo in Hadoop open source project and yahoo proved that hadoop is worth and production ready as they are already running hadoop in more than 30000 nodes as the back-end of their web application infrastructure.Bear with me if I am biased being an open source advocate,but Microsoft's participation was targeted for their advertisement rather than interest in community and they tried to utilize it very well.The final panel discussion with industry pioneers had very short and so couldn't raise to the expectation .Even though there were some good thoughts and good participation from audience.
In summary it was a great effort to boost the community around the cloud in India and Prem did a good job in organising this and Dave Nielsen as cool and jovial guy managed sessions very well.Overall it was very particular with active participation of the cloud community in India.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Web resources in Mathematics
1) Wikipedia mathematics portal
Of cource wikipedia is the number one source for any topic.
2) Planet maths
Planet maths is an encyclopaedia for mathematics.It has article on almost every subject and it is reviewed by members. Each topic is owned by one member and so it will be more authentic and accurate.
3)Wolfram Math world and wolfram alpha online
Math world has rich set of details about almost all the branch of mathematics. Wolfram alpha knowledge engine uses mathematica software which helps you to compute so many mathematical functions online quickly.It is a powerful tool for mathematics students and teachers.
4) MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive is the largest source of information in the web about the history of mathematics and also about mathematicians.
5)cut the knot
contains interesting mathematics puzzles and introduction to mathematics topics and problems
6)Springer encyclopaedia of mathematics
Springer encyclopaedia of mathematics acts as a quick reference for mathematics topics available with an index.
7)MIT open courseware
MIT open courseware from MIT is the largest source of learning materials on any subject .
8)Math forum
The Math Forum is a leading center for mathematics and mathematics education on the Internet.It has a lot of resources and links for learning and teaching mathematics.
9)Internet encyclopedia of philosophy
Internet encyclopedia of philosophy has a section about mathematics and logic which is helpful to understand the foundations and philosophy of mathematics.
10)Prime pages
Prime pages has lot of information about prime number research an interesting field in number theory.
11)Gresham college lectures in mathematics
A lot of interesting lectures in mathematics.I found these very interesting and informative.
12)The Math Open Reference Project
A free interactive math textbook on the web. Initially covering high-school geometry.
Understanding Mathematics through Insight, Concept, and Perception
Introductory articles on almost all the branches of mathematics.
NRICH is a team of qualified teachers who are also practitioners in RICH mathematical thinking.NRICH aims to Enrich the experience of the mathematics curriculum for all learners.
I hope these links will be useful for all mathematics lovers seeking for resources and reference in web.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Maven Basics
Why Maven and how is it different from Ant?
Maven is a standardized project development and lifecycle management system
for java projects.The problem with Ant was that each project will follow its own way of building and packaging applications and this lack of standard or convention will be a problem when switching from one project to another or sharing the libraries among projects.So a new concept of standardizing and building some patterns for different kind of projects came up which will help people to reuse the build models and libraries among projects.The basic concept of maven are described below.
1)Standard build structure
Maven enforces a standard build structure for all the java projects.Please refer the reference link to understand the same.
Reference :
2) Project Object Model or POM
Each project need to have an xml file(pom.xml) that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build the project.This should be placed in the root directory of the project.
Reference :
3) Concept of central repository for libraries
This is useful when you have multiple projects using the same set of libraries and want
to share them.Also it makes version control and dependancy management easy.The libraries will be made vailable in central repositories online and you specify the details of the libraries as dependencies in the pom.xml.You can find the libraries from either the central repository of maven ()or from any other Maven repositories available. When we build the system the the dependant jars will be downloaded from the net and will be put into your local
repository.You can specify the location of your local repository in M2_HOME/settings.xml or it will take a default location(For windows it is My Documents/.m2 and for linux ~home/.m2). So instead of each project maintaining separate libraries the libraries will be taken from the local repostory while building.The reference links have more information about repositories.
4) Maven plugins and goals
Maven accomplishes everything using plugins .Intact Maven can be considered as a plugin
execution framework.We will crate a plugin for each task you want to do with maven.Each plugin will again have a set of goals.Maven comes with a standard set of plugins and goals for common project management tasks.
For eg.
clean -Clean up after the build.
site- Generate a site for the current project.
In addition to that you can create your own plugins to accomplish the tasks specific to your project.For eg.Scala has a maven plugin to help managing scala projects.Again plugin will be available in central repositories( for maven) .If you are using the libraries or plugins from maven central repository you need not specify the repositories and plugin repositories in pom.xml files.Any other repositories should be specified in pom.xml.
Reference :
5) Maven archetype plugin
Archetype is a Maven project templating toolkit. An archetype is defined as an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind are made. Archetype will help authors create Maven project templates for users, and provides users with the means to generate parameterized versions of those project templates.
To create a new project based on an Archetype, you need to call mvn archetype:generate goal as follows
mvn archetype:generate
It will list the archetypes available in the repositories available and you can choose the one which fits your project .It will ask for some more information about the project like name and version and once you provide those details archtype lugin will create the ptoject structure and pom.xml file for your project.Refer the links for more information
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Believe me, Linux is as easy as any other OS
I recently read an article in computer world “You don't need to 'know' Linux to use Linux”.It addresses the notion people have that you need to master some commands or need some expertise to use linux easily. I can see people still have those notions even after linux as OS matured a lot and came a longway to compete with others. Let me adress some of them and i will be relying mainly the most popular desktop linux distro Ubuntu to prove my points.
Installing linux may corrupt my windows OS
You need to know shell commands to use linux
This is very well addressed in the article I refered earlier(“You don't need to 'know' Linux to use Linux”.)
Linux don't have good support for audio and video and you need to be hacker to make it work
This is a thing of the past and now all the popular disto's have support for all the popular audio and video file formats. But not all the drivers might not be bundled with the os as you might have for windows . If you take Ubuntu for example mp3 driver won't come bundled with Ubuntu as it is not complaint with Ubuntu license terms.You have to understand Ubuntu and open source philisophy to understand its reason fully ,but as normal user you just need to install gstreamer plugins separately from Ubuntu software center .I will be expalining installing applications in Ubuntu separately.
I will be landed in strange world with none of favourite apps in windows not available.
19 cool things to do after installing Ubuntu
It has a lot of security restrictions and is difficult to deal with
This is because linux is following unix architecture and is designed as a multiuser system at its core. This is basically different from the windows which was deveolped for desktop PC's. But linux architecture has a lot of advantages and is the reason why linux is considered the most secured os and have very less chance for the viruses to be affected. It may be annoying initially as there may be restrictions for normal users and once you understand it you will see the benefit.
Installing applications is a painfull task and you need to be a techie to do that.
No one knows linux to support me if there is a problem.
Anything comes free of cost is not good or with less quality.
Some people have a general feeling that as free software with less quality. This may be because the think that as linux is developed by volunteers who are not resposible for bugs and software doesn't offer any official support .This is infact wrong and eventhough free software is developed by volunteers they also go through the same rigorous development and testing cycles that commercal softwares do. Infact as there are more involement from community it is possible that more people test it at early stages and more bugs are fixed before the release.Even you can get commercial support from any linux vendors like Redhat or Novell if you are ready to pay for that.
Linux is less user-friendly compared to windows.
This might be true few years back as linux GUI's were not that developed and there were no GUI for some taks. But now if you look at most Linux distros the GUI is in par with windows and you may even feel more confortable working with linux as its interface much more simple and lightweight. You will ofcourse have an affinity towards a platform you are working for years and may take some time to get confortable with a new once. But as a person recently moved completely to Ubuntu i felt linux is muck easy to work with and intellectually satisfying for me being a programmer.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Why I started learning Scala ?
Recently we saw emergence a lot of jvm languages which according to me strengthens the java language platform. The important among them are Jruby,Jython,Scala,Clojure and Groovy Jruby and Jython are JVM versions of Ruby and Python respectively ,which are two powerful dynamic languages. They helps lovers of those dynamic languages to stick to that platform and at the same time leverage the power of JVM,the most tested, trustworthy VM platform. Groovy ,Scala and Clojure are developed independantly and among them scala attracted me very much and I decided to learn scala .This is mainly because I felt any need of learning any of the dynamic languages in JVM as java gives me what I want and I am confident with that. But when looking at Scala I saw some interesting stuff and felt it is worth to learn that. I am listing down some of those features.
1) Functional programming
Scala support for functional programming attracted me .As of now I didn't think much about the style of programming I followed and the debate over Imperative or functional programming in scala groups pushed me to take a deep look at functional programming aspects. Scala being a multi-paradigm language leverage the power of both functional and imperative approaches.
2) Type inference
Scala is strongly typed language and at the same time it has something called type inference by which it infers the type of a variable and relieves most of the burden from programmer.
3) Actors
Actor is a more advanced way for parallel programming instead of using threads and locks which is very low level and difficult to use for programmers.
4) DSL support
DSL (Domain specific languages) are gaining popularity and scala offers a power full support with its parser library.
I will try publish detailed notes on each of these as I progress ,but the interesting point is
that it forced me two look deep at some basic concepts of programming which I consider very valuable as a programmer.